
FadaDance creates versatile, eclectic work that is responsive to your needs.

Their vision is to see inventive contemporary dance presented to large and diverse audiences in a wide variety of performance venues, from traditional to alternative.

They’ve engaged audiences from the catwalk at Saskatchewan Fashion Week to the screen of Megan Nash’s Lavender and Leather music video, and have performed in art galleries, public lobbies, and outdoor plazas. T

hey’re seasoned festival entertainers, exploring a fusion of music, dance, and theatre for a bold approach to emceeing that has captivated audiences across Canada including those at the Calgary Folk Festival (2011), the Regina Folk Festival (2007-2018), PEI Celebration Zone (2014), Harbourfront Festival (2010), the Discovery Coast Music Festival (2008), and the LaRonge Children’s Festival (2008).



FadaDance engages participants through the use of collaboration, improvisation, mindfulness, ensemble building, theatre, and contemporary dance technique.

Their multigenerational approach to teaching has been honed in schools, communities, and with dancers locally, nationally, and internationally. Workshops are responsive, creating on-the-spot tactics to generate the greatest impact for unique groups.


Get in touch

To discuss how FadaDance can can build something special for your event or
tailor a workshop for you.